Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last Minute Jitters

Yesterday went by really fast because I was so excited.

Last night time started slowing. It's only before 9 a.m. today but I didn't go to sleep until after midnight and then got up this morning at 6:30 a.m. I think today will be long and tomorrow will be an eternity. My plan was to get lots of sleep, but that's definitely not happening. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm trying to think of some way to space out the day to make it go by quicker but I can't think of anything.

The cramping and pressure have picked up quite a bit since Sunday. My stretch marks are now bleeding because they are so bad and my tummy is on fire. I'm kind of nervous for how my burning, bleeding stretch marks will feel after a surgeon cuts through them. I'm getting REALLY nervous for the c-section. I didn't read up on much because I'm thinking ingnorance might be bliss.

I realized that I just decided to breast feed but didn't take a class or anything. I don't know about pumping or what to do. I watched a YouTube video about tandem feeding. For weeks I felt like I had everything under control, but now I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing! Hubby is very excited, but also said he's worried about me because this won't be super easy. I thought of all the things I would do when not pregnant, but then realized I probably wouldn't be doing much but feeding babies, changing babies, eating, trying to sleep and hopefully taking a shower. I just can't wait to stop staring at this belly and actually get to do those things! I so hope that they are healthy and everything will be okay.

Tonight we are going to go on a nice date, our last for awhile! We have a lot to do around the house but I think a date is equally as important as cleaning the toilets.

Tomorrow is my last OB appointment and my last day as a preggo . . . eek!


  1. I am so excited for you! Hopefully you'll have a few extra minutes a day to update us all! I'll be thinking about yall!

  2. You will do just fine with breastfeeding. I took a class and honestly, it didn't educate me as much as I thought it would. Your hospital should have lactation consultants available, so don't be shy and ask anything and everything of them. As for pumping - just follow the directions and you'll do great. I'm so happy for you!

  3. I couldn't be more proud of my Ashley, you will be a wonderful mom. I can't wait to come out and see you and your beautiful babies. You should definitely be nervous but just look at your history and how well you have developed your skills under pressure. You will be fine and I love you so much and wish you the best of luck with the surgery. Miss you. xoxoxoxo


  4. Hanging in there with you!
    Thank you for keeping us updated. I am always checking in on you.
    Have a great time with your hubby tonight.

  5. Have a great date!!! Try not to stress...your instincts will kick in and you will be a wonderful mother!!!! :)

  6. Enjoy your date tonight! Um, don't panic too much about some of those things - there is no turning back now anyway!

    And, for inspiration, I always got in a shower every morning. I was lucky that Lew worked less than a mile from home - so he came home every day for lunch. It was so nice that he got to see them during the day every day.

    Wow - they are almost here!! You are so lucky!!!!

  7. If your hospital is anything like mine, the lactation consultants will be barging into your room, offering their help 3-4 times a day! I'm sorry your stretch marks are torturing you so much. Relief is on the way!

  8. Oh my goodness!! So excited for you!! Enjoy your last day as a prego as much as you can.:)

  9. Thinking about you tonight - GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! Can't wait to (virtually) meet Ocean and Ever! :-)

  10. OK, it's 9:30 pm on Wednesday and no post from you yet today. Are you having babies? xoxox

  11. Just wanted to wish you luck with the birth tomorrow! Remember to sing "Happy Birthday" to Ever and Ocean!

  12. I'm thinking of you Ashey!! Good luck and kiss those babies for me!

  13. Thinking of you tonight!
    All my love...

  14. Just saw your post and had to comment...April 22 is a GREAT birthday! When your babies are born, my firstborn (and only daughter) will turn 22! It honestly seems like yesterday that we were checking into the hospital, nerves aflutter! I know by now you are safely delivered but just wanted to send some good wishes to all of you!

  15. I've been thinking about you all day!! I imagine that Ocean and Ever are here and you are head over heels in LOVE!! Can't wait to read an update, but until then I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and your family!!!!! XOX

  16. You're a mommy!!! I can't wait to read all about it and see pictures!!!

  17. I keep checking in for updates! As if you don't have better, more exciting, fabulous and life-changing events going on! I was thinking of you, Ocean, Ever and DH all day yesterday!! Can't wait to "meet" the kids - You've been so strong through these months, Ashley! A very well deserved congrats!!!!

    ~Beckie from tCC

  18. I keep checking here and BZ for news. I just love that a little boy named Ocean was born on Earth Day!!! Can't wait to hear from you!

  19. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! Can't wait for an update and pics!


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