Friday, April 9, 2010

I Watched It

The epidsode of 16 and Pregnant from this week with the twins. Due to my more positive nature these days regarding the whole infertility thing, when I watch the show I mostly feel sorry for the girls. But, ick!! Sometimes it just makes no sense. How can these girls have these babies, then worry about maybe getting back together with ex-boyfriends, cry their eyes out because they missed out on homecoming week, and look at their kids with little emotion in their eyes when there are infertile people?? It freaks me out . . . . This season of the show has been much more depressing than the last one. It's probably good though that they are highlighting the difficulty of having a baby when you are so young.

Seeing the little twin girls made me think of Ever though. Ocean is measuring right on track with a singleton and has super long legs. Her legs are rather long as well, but she is tiny in the weight department. It's funny to me that I'm going to be having such a tiny little child.

This was me, born almost 5 weeks early . . . .


FAT!!! That is a premature baby. Scary, huh? Here is another photo which highlights my pleasantly plumpness in the first few weeks of life:



I was going to maybe not post this weekend because I'm sure you're getting sick of me. I post a lot because I'm bored, but also because in a few years I want to look back at this time. There is a company, I'll have to look up the name again, but it will turn your blog into a photo book, so it's like a journal you can read through. Someone also brought it to my attention that you all might think I'm at the hospital giving birth! That's a good point. On my list of things that hubby must grab is the laptop with the photo cord for the camera. :) My shampoo and granny panties come second to the necessity of getting their little photos out after they are born!


  1. Not boring at all! I totally agree about 16 and pregnant though. The dad was working so hard to make things work and then she wanted her old life back and then got mad when he moved on?!?! Ugh!

  2. Oh man did I want to slap the crap out of that girl who had the twins on 16 and Pregnant. Really. I mean normally the naive nature of these kids annoys me, but she really iced the cake for me. Truly. I mean I took adolescent psych in college and I realize their little brains haven't developed to the point of thinking outside themselves yet, but hello you have two beautiful little girls who need a mom, not a sad high school girl who just wants to be a senior. You were an absolutely adorable preemie!! I was 5lbs 13 1/2oz when I was born, smaller than the twins in the hospital, but I was fine and went home just like a normal weight baby. I hope your little ones are in there packin' on the pounds!!

  3. Yeah - won't they have shampoo in the hospital if you forget yours? Don't forget the camera! xoxox

    I haven't watched that show. Sounds like I would get too mad, too!

  4. Just wanted to ditto what the other girls said about that twin momma on 16 and Pregnant. I just want to slap them!!!!! and then go cry myself to sleep. Bah! Life just isn't fair.

  5. I love reading your posts! I never find them boring and I wouldn't get sick of them! Good for you for being able to watch that show. I have boycotted anything of that nature in my house ...because I am sure if I watched it, my tv would be hurled off my balcony!

  6. Just about all of the moms on 16 & pregnant infuriate me. You crack me up. I love reading your blog.

  7. love the photos! can't wait to see the 2010 version with your little ones. :)


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