Monday, July 27, 2009

Scary stuff!

I just transferred $8500.00 from my savings to my checking!! This has made reality set in and I am getting so scared. Tomorrow is when I officially commit! All required paperwork has been signed and notarized. My one hour appointment is tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. I'm so ready to get the specifics and I am especially ready to get this over with and get a BFP (that stands for "big fat positive" for non-IFers).

I don't know what in the cocktail of drugs I'm taking is making me exhausted, but I just woke up from a nap that started at 6:30! I missed most of the Bachelorette but at least saw that she picked Ed. I woke up in a sweaty heap and totally confused about where I was. I have my fingers and toes crossed that tomorrow morning they will tell me that we are ready to stim (unlikely though, just started Lupron on Thursday). Hubby is being such a good nurse though, out of 5 shots, I only have one bruise so far! Yay!

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