Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Not For You Miss Ashley!

*Welcome to ICLW* Warning: This blog is heavy on the pregnancy related subject matter!! If you want to continue, thanks for stopping by!

Today I was sitting at a table with two fifth grade children. They both come from families that are open with them about the birds and the bees. While I was at home for my embryo retrieval, one of these children overheard a staff member talking about why I was gone. I found this out when I returned, apologized to the parent, and the parent was very sweet about it and apparently spoke to her child about it.

The child began talking about her boyfriend and mentioned sex. I told her she really shouldn't be talking about that. She told me she knows all about it. I told her I know that and that's great, but there is a difference between knowing what it is and thinking about actually having it. I then stood up with my big belly and told her that this is what happens as a result and it's not something she should do for a very long time. Her response was:

"Not for you Miss Ashley! My mom told me about you. You could have sex all day long and never get pregnant!"

Of course I suffered an initial few seconds of shock. Normally something like this might bring tears to my eyes, I might need to retreat to my office to take some deep breaths or hide in the bathroom and cry. Maybe even just go home and be depressed. Definitely I would feel sorry for myself.

But that's not what happened. To my surprise, I laughed my butt off!

After quickly regaining my composure, I told her that yes, she is right about that. But for most people that isn't true. I told her if she needed to talk to me about stuff that was fine, but to promise me no more sex talk with boys at school! She promised me no more talking like that and also that she would not have sex until she was 20 and in college.

I guess I'm not going to be a very good example for preventing teen (or preteen) pregnancy, since I apparently have the luxury of having sex all day long without getting knocked up!


  1. ha! my belly hurts from laughing so hard!

  2. Oh this is so funny. Why can kids say these things and we laugh, but an adult tries it and they better hide?

  3. OMG this story made my week. Too funny. Gld you were able to laugh about it instead of crying! Out of the mouths of babes!


  4. LOL!! I laughed so hard when I read this, and even read it out loud to DH...a little PCOS humor! ;-)

  5. Hi! Found you via ICLW. Loved your story. Love your blog name even more. Congrats on the monkeys (love that you call them that)!

  6. Oh, my sides are aching from laughing so hard! You never know what's going to come out of a kid's mouth. :)

  7. Oh my goodness - I would have died!!!


  8. Geez! 5th Grade! Wow. I know what I was thinking about in 5th grade...Star Wars and Cabbage Patch Kids. I think I'll have a rude awakening when my sweet little LadyBug reaches 5th grade. Dang. I always wonder how I'll tell her about the birds and the bees and how she didn't arrive by a stork but by a petri dish!

  9. Hahaha.....that is hilarious and scary all at the same time! Kids these days (says the 25 year old). I enjoyed reading your blog!


  10. It is always so much easier to take comments from kids. :-) There was a time(long ago) I wished I could have sex all the time and not get pregnant.

  11. LMAO thankyou! I've had some belly laughs reading for ICLW this morning and yours just gave me another and today I needed that so thankyou!


  12. Good luck with your babies!

    The Subfertile Frugalista

  13. OMG! Isn't it disgusting that 5th graders are talking about this stuff!?! It seems like just yesterday that I was teaching 6th grade (8 years ago) and kids barely had the nerve to ask each other out...well most anyway!
    Funny story though! Can you believe her mother telling her that about you though?!? OMG!!!

  14. Happy ICLW!! Oh gosh, I loved this post on so many levels! Firstly, scared the hell out of me that a grade 5 kid was talking about sex - oh dear, what a world! Secondly - I loved that you showed her your belly about what would happen and then gosh, her response - I have been chuckling since I read it - too funny!

  15. OMG! THis is a classic, "kids say the darndest things" moment. I'm glad you could laugh! I had a good chuckle too- which I definitely needed. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!


  16. I just came across your blog...this is too funny! I can't believe she said that! At this point in my life if a little kid said that to me I probably would have cried! :)

  17. Oh wow, from the mouths of babes, eh. Big ups to you for your response! Congrats and good luck with the PG!!

    RJ - ICLW

  18. Oh my gosh!! This post is hilarious!! It's either this extreme or the kids talking behind your back about why you're fat all of a sudden (I teach in an elementary school). :-)


  19. That is a great story! I laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Hello! Just found you through ICLW and so glad I did.

    I am also pregnant with twins after IVF and I will be catching up on your blog, as I think you are just a bit ahead of me, maybe?

    I am laughing about the "Not for You Miss Ashley!" that is hysterical. I find myself laughing inside when people say funny things like that.. I'm really glad you laughed too.

  21. That would have really upset me, so I'm glad you were able to find the humor in it! And, congrats on the twins!

  22. Visiting from SITS -- hilarious story! Maybe the child's mother was a little envious. . .?

  23. Coming over from SITS---what a great story!!! Out of the mouths of babes!!! Thanks for sharing !

  24. Whahahahahahaha
    Congratulations on your Sits day!

  25. I would've laughed my butt off too! :)

  26. Hahahahahaha! That is.... well, words fail. I am glad you found the humor in that though! Happy SITS day!

  27. When I was teaching 6th grade, I was pregnant with my first. I was teaching in the inner city at the time, and one of my girls, after my announcement, belted out from the back of the room, "I KNOW how you got that way!" <-- and the tone of voice was very accusatory!

    I laughed, and we got back to math. There's no avoiding the truth :)

  28. My eyes about popped out of my head, and then I giggled. Gracious. Happy SITS Day!

  29. LOL So glad you could react with laughter. This is such a funny story.

  30. Always look on the bright side, huh? Happy SITS day. :-)

  31. Aw, what a cute story! I'm glad you were able to see the humor, and to still help your student understand how important it is to take sex very seriously.


Thanks for stopping by! Sorry, no anonymous comments, if you can't put your name on it it's just no fun!