Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We decided to take the time this weekend to go on a family adventure. We drove about an hour to the thriving metropolis of Topeka, KS. Driving with Ocean and Ever=horror. They don't like to be contained. I wouldn't really either.

First we stopped at a Children's Discovery Center and we had a fabulous time there! It was air conditioned and it is hotter than hell out right now so that was the first good thing. It wasn't too big, it was just right and had lots of stuff for the nuggets to get into and spread their germs all over. Sorry other parents.

1. Ever laughed as she dumped things out all over the floor that were actually supposed to not be on the floor. In her defense, other kids were doing it. And she looks totally adorbs doing naughty things.


2. Both babies found doggy's, their fave, at the vet station.



3. Ever found something to wear around other than my underwear.


4. They got to paint on a wall. They thought this was amazing. It was so adorable, but then they painted their heads and their shirts. People laughed as we tried to clean them up.



After that we went on our first picnic in the park of all time! The park had tiny picnic tables, just right for Ocean and Ever.

1. Hubby didn't fit in the picnic table so he had to sit on the cooler.


2. There was a little train that runs all through the park. The park was super sweet and old school. The train ride cost $1.25 a person! Can you believe that? So cheap. We rode past a fishing pond, a 103 year old carousel, a rose garden, a huge teeter totter with a whole family on it squealing with delight, and through a dark tunnel. The babes were in awe.


Then we decided to visit the zoo. It was the world's tiniest zoo. Ocean was so in love with the orangutangs (I don't know if this is proper spelling, it's a weird ass word if you ask me) his face was smooshed against the glass and he was chirping his happy squeal. According to Ever, we saw lots of doggy's.


What, this isn't a dog?

It was nice being together.

1 comment:

  1. AC adventures are important in this hot ass weather. Glad you have a lovely time.


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