Friday, November 5, 2010

Big Love

This is my family.


I have a family. Can you believe it? Sometimes I still can't.

But it makes me have BIG love.
(and not the HBO polygamist kind)

The kind of big love that makes you a little different.

The kind of big love that makes you see this sweet little face and you just can't stand it when she's in distress.


So you crawl into her bed, which is not meant for a mommy.


The kind of big love that wakes you up in the middle of the night and you are just so tired that you might feel a little rough around the edges. Until you see this face . . . .


and then you smile and snuggle and feel overcome with joy. Tired joy, but still joy.

Big love can also make you old. You say old people things like "my, the time passes so quickly" and you get old people stuff like gray hair and crow's feet.


But it's okay, because being a mom makes you feel more beautiful and special, even if you need botox.

Big love makes you look at your partner differently. Because big love is overwhelming, it might not always be in a good way, but when you move past that, you look at your partner in the best way.


Things that you thought were super important are just not that important anymore. Need a new tooth? Who cares! Can't get dressed up and go out? Who cares! Someone is overloaded with drama that they want to pass on to you? Still, no one cares because big love is more important, more exciting, and just more everything.


Have a beautiful weekend!


Thanks for stopping by! Sorry, no anonymous comments, if you can't put your name on it it's just no fun!