Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mom Saturdays

7:15 a.m.: I wake up and get ready to go drop off the edited disc of the pictures I took for a family last weekend. They love them! We talk about another session in the fall and I deposit their check at the bank.

8:50 a.m.: Hubby and two babies are running around the house. We do NOTHING much for the rest of the day and it feels great. I get all domestic and bake some blueberry muffins.



We eat ravioli, we take naps, we watch movies, we talk about grocery shopping, etc. until after 3:00 p.m.




Streakers in the front yard!

3:30 p.m.: We head to the pool. Now that we are poor, this will be a staple because I get a pool pass through work and the babies are free! Ocean is not so sure about the cold water but Ever dives right in, literally! She thinks she knows how to swim. We play in the water and do three laps in the lazy river together. The babies have a snack and enjoy climbing on the the pool chairs.



These pictures are taken on a waterproof Polaroid digital, which is a lifesaver because Ashley+digital cameras+water=BAD NEWS!

5:15 p.m.: We get home and the babies are tired and whiny so we give them lots of food. They whine and whine and whine so we decide they need to go for a walk.

6:30 p.m.: We are walking around the lake behind our house and a family with a teeny tiny dog walks up to us so the babies can see the dog. Ever LOVES doggy's. LOVES them. A lot. The dog is a tiny Chihuahua puppy and the girl was in heaven. Ocean wasn't as thrilled because there were strangers near him but Ever was all over it. They walk off and Ever screams. She screams for a long time because she continues to see them. She screams until they are out of view. I contemplate getting her a puppy even though I am not a huge animal fan and we already have one dog, but then common sense kicks back in over the fact that my little Peanut just got her heart broken. We play at the playground until Ocean takes a huge, smelly poo so we need to go home.

7:45 p.m.: Night night bottles early because the babies are out of control. I they get into really good moods with their bottles so I don't put them to sleep for awhile because they are so cute and snuggly and a mama just can't pass up some cute snuggly time!

8:45 p.m.: Babies are in bed so I do some cleaning. Hubby got his acceptance letter into the college he wants to go to so I do a bunch of chores so he can read through everything and enjoy his moment. He goes to buy diapers (4 boxes) and I mess around on the internet. We try to watch a movie but we're both tired, so we go to bed instead at 10:00 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. zomg, FOUR boxes of diapers?? I would be poor, too. Wait a minute, I am poor, with only one! Sounds like a great (and exhausting) day! :)


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